1. How 5 or 6 people walk slowly side by side through the halls at Mac.
2. Stupid drivers like the one I encountered today....I was changing lanes and as soon as I put my blinker on, the idiot behind me decides he'd like to change lanes real quick and get in front of me. So as I was moving over, he gets right beside me and honks his horn like crazy as if I were running him off the road. Then I just marveled in astonishment at the stupidity of this guy as he changes back to the lane we started from!!! Grrrrr. I seriously wanted to run over the guys head!! I am not a hostile person normally I assure you.
3. How many people get so caught up in the politics of the the church, that they forget what and Who it's all about. Many are so rigid and hellbent on how they feel things should be done, they're not allowing themselves to hear God and His plans....There are some people who've forgotten we are all part of the Body of Christ and committies aren't formed to make all the decisions for the Body but rather with the Body. And it really does frustrate me how lately people in the church are so concerned about the politics, they forget why they were made. In more secular terms...like how the seperation of church and state was formed to keep the government from telling people how and who to worship but now-a-days people are twisting it around to mean there's no place for God in our courtrooms, schools, and press. It hacks me off. "Jesus said to them, 'Any kingdom divided against itself is laid waste; and any city or house divided against itself will not stand.'"-Matthew 12:24-26 (NASB). In the same way, the church divided against itself cannot stand.
P.S. Go here!! http://www3.ns.sympatico.ca/lyle_24/myhero.html

Saturday, March 05, 2005
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1 comment:
Hello Stephanie:-)
I have read your posts and it is good to see you so determined and committed to walk the narrow path.
We know it is simple, but very hard to do. Our sin-nature easily leds us astray and justifications for doing the wrong thing, are even easier to find. As long as our hearts, minds and wills are pointed in the right direction, we will accomplish that simple task. And yours certainly are:-)
1 Peter 2:2-4
2as newborn babes, desire the pure milk of the word, that you may grow thereby,[a] 3if indeed you have tasted that the Lord is gracious.
God's Grace.
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